What Is Initiation?

A: The original initiation into the art of Qi Dao is designated to shift your perception from the forms of the objects of perception to their true nature that is pure energy. During the first part of your initiation, you will learn to visualize the flow of energy around your dream body that represents you in your visualization. Then you simply relax into that flow which brings forth a profound sense of harmony and well-being. Once in the flow, you may begin to visualize involuntary movements guided directly by your spirit that we address as Dream Being.

After experiencing and memorizing the feeling of being in the flow in your visualization, you undergo the second part of the initiation in order to learn to pay attention to the whole spectrum of energies running through the physical body. During this part, called empowerment, you suspend discriminating logic and judgmental reasoning through entering an altered state of mind aptly coined “Qigong state.” In such a meditative state of mind, you become more aware of your true nature and receptive to the inner guidance of the Dream Being directing you in the process of empowerment.

Qi Dao empowers you by facilitating the process of learning to manifest the dream of being healthy and happy for each and every facet of your being. You begin by learning directly from the flow of life to accept every experience as a lesson, rather then a problem. This enables you to integrate all the parts of your body, mind and spirit in order to embody vibrant health and well-being.

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